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Buy Deer Antlers For Dogs [UPD]

Our all natural deer antler chews contain many natural vitamins and minerals that are great for your pup's health and they also scrape and clean tartar buildup from their teeth. If properly sized to your dog's chewing temperament, deer antlers will make a long lasting chew. They won't splinter or make a mess like beef bones, instead they are slowly ground down as your dog chews them.

buy deer antlers for dogs

For the aggressive chewer, or those pups that need more of a challenge, the base of the antler is the hardest and densest parts of bone. Those pups who are newer to antler chews or prefer a softer chew, are better suited for the upper portion of the antler, which has a thinner core and more of the delicious marrow dogs love. We are happy to provide a harder or softer chew for your pup...just add a note at checkout and we will be sure to take care of your request.

Not all dogs will have problems with antlers. Some owners give antlers to their dogs for years without any problems, but that is not a guarantee that antlers are safe, no matter how much your dog loves them.

It can feel, sometimes, like nothing is safe for dogs anymore. Bones, antlers, rawhide, and even Nylabones are all controversial when used as chew toys for dogs, and they all carry potential health risks.

Our antler chews are bar-none the highest quality, hand-selected dog treats you will find (the dog bone perfected!), originating from top-grade naturally-shed elk antlers collected by hand and on hoof each year, and meticulously crafted into nature's perfect, eco-friendly, premium dog chew.

If stuffed dog toys don't last very long in your house before they're gutted, it's time to try a treat that's made to withstand your dog's teeth - antler chews. For those new to the idea of antler bones for dogs, you'll have to trust us that it's not as strange as it sounds. They're all-natural dog treats that give your furry friend an outlet for his instinctual behaviors. And in case you were wondering, they are naturally shed by forest-dwelling and mountain-roaming elk, deer and moose and regrown in the summer. In the wild, all types of creatures gnaw on shed antlers as a source of nutrients, including squirrels, mice, foxes, coyote, beavers, otters and bears. So it was only a matter of time before we started seeing antler chews for dogs. And that's great news for your resident chewer. Long-lasting antlers work great as special rewards. They can also be used to help relieve separation anxiety or keep your pup focused on his treat instead of barking or getting into things he shouldn't. Deer antlers for dogs provide a tasty and renewable natural treat option that most dogs just can't get enough of. Aside from exercising the jaw, dog antlers are full of calcium and phosphorus that are excellent for healthy teeth and bones. As an added benefit for you, antler chews for dogs are odorless, unlike some bully sticks dog chews you might have had the pleasure of smelling. And they won't make a mess on the floor or carpet, like dog bones are known to do. When you're ready to pick out the perfect antler, think about the kind of chewer your dog is. If you have a puppy or a moderate chewer, check out the assortment of puppy dog bones or elk antlers for dogs. Elk has more delicious marrow and won't splinter easily. Split antlers expose the marrow for a highly palatable treat, which makes them great for puppies. If your dog has never had an antler before, start him off with an elk or split antler. He'll soon find out how fun it is to chew, and you can move him up to a tougher antler later if you need to. More intense chewers need hard, dense antler chews like solid deer or moose. With solid antlers, your dog will have to work much harder to get to the marrow inside. Deer and moose antlers for dogs are ideal for pups with a strong bite because they won't finish them minutes after they've started. So what kind of chewer is your dog? Maybe you have a couple of light gnawers and one super chomper. Chewy has an antler that's just right for each of them. Our top brands gather only grade A or B antlers that are more palatable and less likely to splinter. So if you are looking for some new dog toys for your pup to chew on or maybe you just need a new bag of dog food, Chewy's online pet store is sure to have great deals on all of the best dog supplies available. Shop Chewy today for great deals on all pet supplies!

Deer antlers for dogs are digestible, but it is better if your dog does not ingest large pieces of the antlers because they can cause a choking hazard. The marrow inside antlers is nutritious and tasty, so consider split antlers to make this part easier for your dog to access.

Antlers taste good to dogs and they enjoy chewing them for both the texture and the flavor. The marrow inside the antlers tends to be the tastiest part, so many pet parents choose split antlers to make it easier to access. Splitting larger antlers like elk antlers can also make them easier to chew.

They type of antler dog chew that is best for dogs will vary from dog to dog. Elk and moose antlers tend to be softer than other types of antlers, so they may be appropriate for lighter chewers, older dogs and puppies. Split or sliced antlers of all types will usually be gentler and smaller, and also considerably tastier because the marrow is exposed. More aggressive chewers may do better with harder antlers like those from deer, but use caution because these can sometimes cause tooth and mouth injuries.

Even though antlers are naturally shed annually, most that are used for dog treats are by-products of the hunting industry. This way none of the hunted animal goes to waste. Anyway, most dogs prefer fresh deer antlers, rather than ones which have been drying out in the sun for weeks before they are harvested.

Elk antlers are relatively soft, and good for the occasional chewer or smaller dog.Reindeer Antlers for DogsYou can also buy reindeer antlers, which are very similar to deer antlers, apart from the fact that they can also be harvested from females as well as males.Benefits of Deer Antlers for DogsAntlers are made up of mainly calcium and phosphorus, but also includes other vital minerals such as potassium, magnesium, iron, sulphur and zinc. These minerals are vital for keeping bones and muscles strong.

Antlers are very hard, which might imply they are a great treat for dogs that chew aggressively. However, really aggressive chewing could invite a tooth fracture. For all other dogs deer antlers are a very safe treat.Even though antlers may seem like a wonder treat, they come with their risks. As antlers are very hard, if your dog is particularly aggressive when it comes to chewing, he will be at risk of fracturing his teeth. This can cause pulp to become exposed and a very painful scenario. To minimise the chances of this happening, you should always supervise your dog when he is gnawing on a deer antler.

The other concern is the risk of choking on or swallowing the antler, which could cause a life-threatening obstruction. Luckily, antlers do not break off in pieces or shatter like bones do, and so this is only a real issue when the antler has been worn down to a small-sized piece which could be swallowed. As a rule of thumb, if your dog can easily fit it entirely in his mouth, then it is too small. In this case, when the antler has become that small, it should be thrown away.

Deer antlers are packed full of minerals and, unlike many other dog treats, contain no calories. Deer antlers are an excellent treat for promoting good dental health and they last a long time. Despite a few small risks, they are definitely good for dogs in the right circumstances.Are Deer Antlers Safe for Dogs?Broadly speaking, yes deer antlers are safe for dogs but there are a couple of risks. Aggressive chewers risk fracturing their teeth, especially on very hard deer antlers. And when a deer antler is worn down to be really small, it can create a risk of choking or obstruction, so these small pieces should always be removed.Are Deer Antlers Unpleasant to Have in the House?The worry with most natural treats is whether they are going to be smelly or greasy, and unpleasant to have around the house. The wonderful thing about antlers is that they are none of these. Antlers have a shelf life of up to three years, and have no smell or greasiness to them. The exception is, if your dog has been chewing on it for a while, his saliva may start to make it smell over time.

Gotta doggo who's Fawn'd of chewing? Chuck em a Whole Antler! This badass, boredom-busting treat is packed full of calcium and phosphorus, offering dogs the ultimate in long-lasting treats. WAG Whole Antlers are ethically sourced from New Zealand and are a naturally occurring product that is annually shed by wild and farmed deer. WAG Antlers are suitable for adult doggo's with a strong bite, who love to chew and stay occupied. WAG does not recommend antlers for senior dogs or puppy teeth.

A variety of conditions, including other GI problems like pancreatitis in dogs, and systemic problems like organ failure can also cause these signs, so they are not specific for an obstruction. Whenever you see these signs, call your vet promptly so he or she can assess your dog and make a plan.

Now that you have the facts about antlers for dogs, you may be wondering what is safe for dogs who like to chew or who are heavy chewers. The good news is that you can prevent a painful tooth fracture by choosing the right chew toy. Even better, determining whether a chew toy is too hard for your dog is not complicated. I learned the following rule from Dr. Fraser Hale, a board-certified veterinary dentist:

I stopped giving my Chihuahua deer antlers about a year ago. He is seven and now I give him the Himalayan ones. They say they are digestible but after reading all of these comments and your article I am concerned now. What is your opinion?

My German Shepherd is 5 years old and her teeth are uniformly worn down . Trying to convince my husband to stop giving her antlers. I will check out the alternatives you suggest. thanks! Makes a horrible sound when she is chewing and I was thinking her teeth might be getting worn instead of the antler! 041b061a72

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