Mackup: A Cross-Platform Solution for Backing Up Your Application Settings
What is Mackup and Why You Should Use It
If you are like most people, you probably use multiple devices for different purposes, such as a laptop for work, a tablet for entertainment, and a smartphone for communication. But have you ever wondered how to keep your application settings consistent across all these devices? For example, how to make sure that your favorite text editor has the same theme, font, and plugins on every device? Or how to sync your browser bookmarks, extensions, and history without relying on third-party services?
That's where Mackup comes in handy. Mackup is a simple tool that allows you to backup and restore your application settings using any cloud storage service of your choice, such as Dropbox, Google Drive, iCloud, or OneDrive. With Mackup, you can easily transfer your settings from one device to another, or keep them in sync across multiple devices. You can also customize which applications and files you want to sync or ignore, depending on your preferences.
In this article, we will show you how to install, use, and customize Mackup on your device, as well as how to contribute to its development if you are feeling generous.
How to Install Mackup on Your Device
The first step to use Mackup is to install it on your device. Here's how:
Step 1: Choose your preferred storage service
Mackup works by storing your application settings in a `.mackup` directory in your cloud storage service of choice. This way, you can access them from any device that has access to that service. Therefore, before installing Mackup, you need to choose which storage service you want to use and create an account if you don't have one already.
Some of the supported storage services are:
Google Drive
Amazon S3
You can also use a local directory or a remote server as your storage service, but this requires some additional configuration. For more details, you can check the Mackup documentation.
Step 2: Install Mackup using Homebrew, pip, or snap
Once you have chosen your storage service, you can install Mackup using one of the following methods, depending on your operating system:
mackup backup
mackup restore
mackup sync
mackup config
mackup uninstall
mackup supported applications
mackup custom applications
mackup alternative storages
mackup homebrew
mackup pip
mackup github
mackup tutorial
mackup review
mackup vs dotfiles
mackup vs stow
mackup vs symlinks
mackup vs yadm
mackup vs chezmoi
mackup vs ansible
mackup vs rcm
mackup vs homesick
mackup vs homeshick
mackup vs fresh
mackup vs antigen
mackup vs zplug
mackup vs oh-my-zsh
mackup vs prezto
mackup vs zimfw
mackup vs powerlevel10k
mackup vs starship
mackup vs fisher
mackup vs oh-my-fish
mackup vs tmuxinator
mackup vs tmuxp
mackup vs tmux-resurrect
mackup vs vim-plug
mackup vs vundle
mackup vs pathogen
mackup vs neovim
mackup vs vscode
mackup vs sublime text
mackup vs atom
mackup vs emacs
mackup vs spacemacs
mackup vs doom emacs
If you are using macOS, you can install Mackup using Homebrew, a popular package manager for macOS. To do so, open a terminal and run the following command:
brew install mackup
If you are using Linux or macOS, you can also install Mackup using pip, a package manager for Python. To do so, open a terminal and run the following command:
pip install --user mackup
If you are using Linux, you can also install Mackup using snap, a universal app store for Linux. To do so, open a terminal and run the following command:
sudo snap install mackup
Alternatively, you can download the latest version of Mackup from its GitHub repository and install it manually.
Step 3: Launch Mackup and back up your files
After installing Mackup, you can launch it by running the following command in a terminal:
This will display a list of commands that you can use with Mackup. The most important one is `mackup backup`, which will back up your application settings to your storage service. To do so, run the following command:
mackup backup
This will create a `.mackup` directory in your storage service and copy your application settings there. You can check which applications are supported by Mackup by running the following command:
mackup list
You can also check which files are backed up by Mackup by running the following command:
mackup status
How to Restore Your Settings on a New Device
If you want to restore your application settings on a new device, or sync them across multiple devices, you need to follow these steps:
Step 1: Install Mackup on your new device
The first step is to install Mackup on your new device using the same method as before. Make sure that you have access to the same storage service that you used to back up your files.
Step 2: Launch Mackup and restore your files
After installing Mackup, you can launch it by running the following command in a terminal:
This will display a list of commands that you can use with Mackup. The most important one is `mackup restore`, which will restore your application settings from your storage service. To do so, run the following command:
mackup restore
This will copy your application settings from the `.mackup` directory in your storage service to your new device. You can check which applications are restored by Mackup by running the following command:
mackup list
How to Customize Mackup to Suit Your Needs
Mackup has some default settings that may not suit everyone's needs. For example, it may sync some applications that you don't use or want to sync, or it may ignore some files that you want to sync. Fortunately, you can customize Mackup to fit your preferences by creating and editing a `.mackup.cfg` file in your home directory. Here's how: Step 1: Create a `.mackup.cfg` file in your home directory
To create a `.mackup.cfg` file, you can use any text editor of your choice, such as Vim, Emacs, or Sublime Text. For example, to create and edit the file using Vim, you can run the following command in a terminal:
vim /.mackup.cfg
This will open the file in Vim, where you can type and save your changes. If you are not familiar with Vim, you can check this tutorial to learn the basics.
Step 2: Specify which applications you want to sync or ignore
By default, Mackup will sync all the applications that it supports, unless you tell it otherwise. If you want to sync only some applications, or ignore some applications, you can use the `[applications_to_sync]` and `[applications_to_ignore]` sections in your `.mackup.cfg` file. For example, if you want to sync only Vim and Sublime Text, and ignore Chrome and Firefox, you can write something like this:
[applications_to_sync] vim sublime-text [applications_to_ignore] chrome firefox
You can find the list of supported applications by running `mackup list` or checking the Mackup documentation.
Step 3: Specify which files or directories you want to sync or ignore
By default, Mackup will sync all the files and directories that are associated with the applications that it supports, unless you tell it otherwise. If you want to sync only some files or directories, or ignore some files or directories, you can use the `[dotfiles_to_sync]` and `[dotfiles_to_ignore]` sections in your `.mackup.cfg` file. For example, if you want to sync only your `.vimrc` and `.bashrc` files, and ignore your `.ssh` directory, you can write something like this:
[dotfiles_to_sync] .vimrc .bashrc [dotfiles_to_ignore] .ssh
You can find the list of files and directories that are backed up by Mackup by running `mackup status` or checking the Mackup documentation.
How to Uninstall Mackup from Your Device
If you want to uninstall Mackup from your device, or stop syncing your application settings, you need to follow these steps:
Step 1: Launch Mackup and uninstall it
The first step is to launch Mackup by running the following command in a terminal:
This will display a list of commands that you can use with Mackup. The most important one is `mackup uninstall`, which will uninstall Mackup from your device. To do so, run the following command:
mackup uninstall
This will remove Mackup from your device and restore your original application settings from the backup files.
Step 2: Remove Mackup from your storage service and delete the `.mackup` directory
The second step is to remove Mackup from your storage service and delete the `.mackup` directory in your home directory. To do so, open your storage service app or website and delete the `.mackup` directory. Then, open a terminal and run the following command:
rm -rf /.mackup
This will delete the `.mackup` directory from your home directory.
How to Contribute to Mackup Development
If you like Mackup and want to contribute to its development, you can do so by following these steps:
Step 1: Fork the Mackup repository on GitHub and clone it to your local machine
The first step is to fork the Mackup repository on GitHub and clone it to your local machine. To do so, go to the repository page on GitHub and click on the "Fork" button at the top right corner. This will create a copy of the repository under your GitHub account. Then, open a terminal and run the following command:
git clone
This will clone your forked repository to your local machine.
Step 2: Create a new branch for your feature or bug fix and make your changes
The second step is to create a new branch for your feature or bug fix and make your changes. To do so, open a terminal and run the following commands:
cd mackup git checkout -b your_branch_name
This will create and switch to a new branch with the name you specify. Then, you can make your changes to the code using your preferred text editor or IDE. For example, you can add a new application to the list of supported applications by creating a `.cfg` file in the `mackup/applications` directory. You can check the Mackup documentation for more details on how to do that.
Step 3: Push your branch to GitHub and create a pull request with a clear description of your changes
The third step is to push your branch to GitHub and create a pull request with a clear description of your changes. To do so, open a terminal and run the following commands:
git add . git commit -m "Your commit message" git push origin your_branch_name
This will add, commit, and push your changes to your forked repository on GitHub. Then, go to the Mackup repository on GitHub and click on the "New pull request" button at the top right corner. This will open a page where you can compare your branch with the master branch of the original repository. Make sure that you select the correct branches and click on the "Create pull request" button. This will open a page where you can write a title and a description for your pull request. Make sure that you explain what you did, why you did it, and how you tested it. You can also reference any issues that you fixed or any discussions that you had with other contributors.
After creating your pull request, wait for the feedback from the maintainers or other contributors. They may ask you to make some changes or improvements before merging your pull request. If so, you can make the changes on your local branch and push them to GitHub again. Your pull request will be updated automatically. Once your pull request is approved and merged, you can delete your branch from GitHub and from your local machine.
Mackup is a powerful tool that can help you keep your application settings in sync across different devices. It is easy to install, use, and customize, and it supports a wide range of applications. You can also contribute to its development by adding new features or fixing bugs. If you are looking for a simple way to backup and restore your application settings, you should definitely give Mackup a try.
Frequently Asked Questions
What are the benefits of using Mackup?
Mackup can help you save time and hassle by syncing your application settings across different devices. You don't have to manually copy or configure your settings every time you switch devices or reinstall an application. You also don't have to rely on third-party services that may not support all the applications that you use or may compromise your privacy.
What are the drawbacks of using Mackup?
Mackup may not work well with some applications that store their settings in binary or encrypted files, or that use different formats or paths on different operating systems. Mackup may also overwrite some of your settings if you use different versions of the same application on different devices. You should always backup your original settings before using Mackup, and review the changes that Mackup makes before restoring them.
How can I update Mackup to the latest version?
You can update Mackup to the latest version by using the same method that you used to install it. For example, if you installed Mackup using Homebrew, you can run the following command in a terminal:
brew upgrade mackup
If you installed Mackup using pip, you can run the following command in a terminal:
pip install --user --upgrade mackup
If you installed Mackup using snap, you can run the following command in a terminal:
sudo snap refresh mackup
If you installed Mackup manually, you can download the latest version from its GitHub repository and replace the old one.
How can I get help or report an issue with Mackup?
You can get help or report an issue with Mackup by visiting its GitHub page and browsing the issues section. You can also join the Mackup Slack channel and chat with other users and developers. If you have a question, a suggestion, or a bug report, you can create a new issue on GitHub and describe it in detail. Please follow the issue template and provide as much information as possible, such as your operating system, your storage service, your application list, your `.mackup.cfg` file, and any error messages that you encounter.
How can I support Mackup development?
You can support Mackup development by donating to its creator, Laurent Raufaste, via PayPal or Patreon. You can also support Mackup by spreading the word about it, writing reviews or tutorials, or sharing your feedback and suggestions.